Sneak Peek

This page will inform you of the upcoming curriculum. I will update page each month to keep you in the know! You can visit this page to see what topics we will be covering to help you enhance your child's learning at home. There are many different ways to connect to learning! You can check out different books at the library on the science or geography topics or simply check comprehension through discussion. Students will love to share all they know!


As our Kindergarteners already know, we are learners every day!


A Peek into Ms. Hanlon's Room


Here is what’s new in our world!


Routines & Procedures - We will start out the school year with call and answer responses for directions.  I call this, “I say, you say”. The teacher will call out the directions and students echo them.  This helps keep students engaged and gives two opportunities for students to hear important directions.


Morning Work – Typically scholars will begin practicing math concepts each day in their morning work.  First we will use morning work to practice tracing our name and identifying shapes.  Soon we will move to writing numbers.


Bits of Intelligence -  The bits of intelligence are flashcards that help students learn letters, numbers, and science or geography information. This month the bits include single letter phonograms, numbers (cardinal, numeral, and quantity), virtues, and pictures of teachers at our school.


Handwriting & Literacy -  We will begin handwriting the second week of school.  We will begin by learning the sounds for each letter.  We will make an alphabet book that students will take home after we have studied every letter.  We will also practice proper pencil grip. Please have your child repeat after you before they start to write:

Pencil Grip Chant

"I am holding my pencil"  Check To Correct "Between my thumb and my middle finger"  Check to Correct  "My pointer finger has fainted"  Check To Correct  "I push back into my holder"  Check to correct  "My feet are on the floor"  Check To Correct  "My back is straight" Check To Correct  "I am ready to write"

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Mathematics -   We will begin the year by discussing shapes in math.  We will hunt for each shape in our classroom, practice some fun rhymes about shapes, trace shapes and color them too.  You can support your scholar by discussing shapes you see at home and around town.  Shapes are everywhere!



Science – Our first science unit in science will be animal classification.  We will study the following classifications in the afternoon: birds, amphibian, fish, reptile and mammal.  We will read books, color and write as we learn about these animals.


Geography – After we study animal classifications we will begin our first geography unit on the continents.  In this unit we will pin push, color, and paint maps.  We will also learn a song about all the continents!  We will practice this song in our classroom as well as in oratory class with Mrs. Urbrock


Recall Books  -    Recall books are chapter books that I read aloud to the class during our afternoon rest time.  After Labor Day I will begin reading aloud Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol.   


Learning Labs -  Learning labs are activities that students can work on independently.  As the students become more familiar with each lab, the options of labs will grow.  As classroom content changes, so do the learning labs.  Eventually, student will be able to take out some old favorites as well as new labs relating to current units. These activities help us practice what we are learning throughout the day. 


Virtues -        Scholars will learn about Nova’s 5 main virtues throughout the school year.  This is woven in throughout classic literature and highlighted in everyday discussion and classroom modeling.  I make a point to highlight students using specific virtues properly. The virtues are included in our BITs as well as songs we will learn describing each virtue.  This month we are focusing on the virtue of TEMPERANCE. Please discuss how students can use temperance and self-control during the school day or at home.  At the end of each month, students will attend an assembly with all of Lower School to hear what one grade learned in their studies about the focus virtue.

All of Nova's virtues are:


« Please reinforce virtue at home.  Brainstorm examples of good choices at that demonstrate each of Nova’s virtues.


Our Curriculum


Our curriculum map may be viewed at  A primary focus of the Kindergarten curriculum is literacy development. This is done through read-alouds, Direct Reading Instruction, and our writing program.

The mathematical portion of the curriculum focuses on number sense and basic computation children need to understand all mathematical concepts and covers a variety of challenging topics.

Science and history are woven into lessons throughout the day and allow the students to explore the different habitats and continents of the world, in addition to several other engaging topics.

The curriculum at Nova is very rigorous and teachers have high expectations for each and every student. Field Trips or Walking Trips that support the curriculum may be included to support particular units. With balanced instruction, including whole group, independent work time, and learning lab activities, students learn through a multi-sensory method that is not only very engaging, but also meets each student’s unique learning needs.